
Monday, July 14, 2014

Graham is 10 months old!

        Graham is 10 months old now. I am not sure how much he weighs or how long he is. He is soooo very close to walking and can take four or five steps at a time, sometimes more. Other big deals this month are that he stayed overnight for the first time away from us while we were at a wedding. 

Eating: Graham still loves eating anything and everything. He typically has a large bottle first thing in the morning followed by a solid food breakfast, a bottle and a solid food lunch, a mid-afternoon bottle, solid food dinner and bits of whatever we are eating, and another bottle when we put him to bed for the night. It's hard to say which food is his favorite because he honestly loves all foods. 

Sleeping: Graham is still a great sleeper. He sleeps a good 12 hours at night and takes two naps a day, one late morning and one a couple hours after lunch. He still uses a pacifier when he sleeps, but that's pretty much the only time. We will probably phase it out sometime around his birthday if he doesn't do it himself. 

Other Stuff I Want to Remember:
He is wearing size 6-12 months and size 12 months. He is in size 3 diapers when he wears disposables. Shoes are pretty difficult to fit on his feet, but when he does I think he is somewhere between a 3 and a 4. He has crazy messy hair and dark blue eyes. He still only has his two bottom teeth. 
Graham loves playing with his brother. He enjoys playing outside a lot, particularly with the water table. I has also discovered his brother's big wheel and likes to sit on it or have us push him around on it. He enjoys playing peek a boo. He can even entertain himself for short periods of time now, which is amazing for a 10 month old. 
He likes taking baths with his brother. He has been sitting up in the tub for the past couple months. 
Graham loves being read to. We probably don't read to him as much as we did with Owen, but you can definitely tell he loves it too. He will bring a book over and just plop down in my lap. His favorite is a little board book about a race car. 
Graham is really friendly, even with strangers. He does really well in church nursery for the most part and they really love him there. 
Like most children, he is attracted to technology and will try to get our cell phones, tablets, etc. if they are nearby. It's really pretty crazy. He will crawl as fast as he can to get it before we can take it away. Sometimes if he reaches it before we get to him, he will turn to look at us like, "Aren't you going to stop me now?" Or we will say "No, no" and will shake his head back and forth and smile mischievously. 

Here are some other photos from his 10 month photo shoot:

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