Trying to entertain Owen this winter when it has typically been bitter cold or raining has been really difficult. Finding things to do inside is getting harder and harder and even though it's only been a month since Christmas, most of his toys are old news already. I have done a few Pinterest ideas, but I don't want to have to buy a bunch of supplies just for 10 minutes of entertainment.
I recently did some research and found some places around town that offer toddler activities and I plan on checking some of them out in the next few weeks. This week, we went to baby and toddler time at the local library. Owen had a great time. He wasn't big on the structured "sit in mommy's lap quietly while the lady sings" time, but free play time was a big hit. He was actually the only toddler in the room close to his age because all the others were either immobile babies or kids about age 3 or older. So while they are all behaving themselves, Owen was running around the room throwing balls or stealing props from the lady while she sang. It was pretty embarrassing, but I decided to just go with it because trying to restrain Owen makes a bigger scene than his exploring and getting into things does. And guess what I got out of all that running around craziness? A two hour long nap. Heck yes. Sign me up for weekly toddler time at the library.
Playing instruments was really fun for Owen. He loves drumming lately.
This kiddo is obsessed with letters lately. He wants to read so badly and will try to name letters everywhere we go. He even started picking out the letters he knew on our license plates the other day.
The letters of his name are the ones he recognizes the best.
Playing peek-a-boo with Mommy.
Reading "Goodnight Gorilla."
What do you do to entertain your kiddos during the winter? I need some fresh ideas!